2012 was a very special year for me with Dino Express being published. Getting a book out into the big wide world has not been as easy as I first thought. I started sending manuscripts out for other proposed ideas years ago to publishers and agents, some came back unopened others were quite blunt with their comments using very few words to offer any constructive feedback. And those were the ones who were accepting new material. Your self belief and confidence take a massive hit and quite honestly it is sole destroying but some how you keep going. I have been lucky to have amazing support from my wife (Julie ) and family and that helps to ease the pain of constant rejection but you do question if it is worth all the suffering. However in 2008 I found an agent in the USA ( Lori Nowicki of Painted Words ) who offered me hope and encouragement. From a simple sketch and basic idea that I sent Lori, set the ball rolling.I worked up around three pencil versions of the  proposal plus colour concept drawings before finally getting it to the point where Lori  approached her contacts. And in 2010 Running Press took the book. The feeling was amazing not just for me but for those who have supported and encouraged me for so long. To finally see my own children’s picture book in print and in a bookstore 2012 was priceless. I have also had the opportunity to visit schools and interact with the kids who as we know are honest with their opinions, thankfully the response has been great.  I said to my wife at the beginning of this adventure, ” If I get one book published I will be a happy  man”.

But now I’ve got one book published I want another!

dino spread





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